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functions in inflammation and atherosclerosis. A range of molecules, present on the platelet surface and/or stored in platelet granules, con- tributes to the cross-talk of platelets with other inflammatory cells during the vascular inflammation involved in the development and & N Rosenthal (Eds.), Heart development( pp. 357 – 369). San Diego, CA: Academic progression of atherosclerosis. This review discusses the nature of these molecules and the mechanisms involved in the participation of plate- Wang GF, Nikovits W, Schleinitz M, Stock- lets in atherosclerosis, with emphasis on P-selectin, platelet–monocyte dale FE: 1998. Atrial chamber-specific ex- interactions, chemokines, and inflammatory cytokines. (Trends pression of the slow myosin heavy chain 3gene in the embryonic heart. J Biol Chem Cardiovasc Med 2004;14:18–22) n 2004, Elsevier Inc.
Wang GF, Nikovits W Jr, Schleinitz M, Stock- dale FE 2001. A positive GATA element and a negative vitamin D receptor-like element Cardiovascular Research Center and Depart- control atrial chamber-specific expression ment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Health Science Center, Charlot- tection of activated platelets as defined diovascular Research Center and Department Wang GF, Nikovits W Jr, Bao ZZ, Stockdale FE: 2003. Irx4 forms an inhibitory complex Virginia, Health Science Center, Box 801394, atherosclerotic disease was first reported Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA. Tel.: (+1) 434- tors to regulate cardiac chamber-specific by Fitzgerald et al. (1986). These circu- 243-9351; fax: (+1) 434-924-2828; e-mail: lating activated platelets are very likely to associate with thrombotic events. Cir- D 2004, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
findings did not support a beneficial ef- fect of aspirin in atherosclerosis (Cayatte et al. 2000, Napoli et al. 2002). Also, the et al. 1998). Interestingly, most risk fac- inhibitory effect of aspirin in atheroscle- tors of atherosclerosis—including hyper- cholesterolemia (Broijersen et al. 1998), smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall.
vated platelets in circulation. The pres- platelets transiently interacting with the ble for platelet activation in atherosclero- A23187 (Frenette et al. 1995). Consistent platelet activation begins with the bind- ing of adhesive receptors to their ligands bution of platelet – endothelial inter- but robustly with atherosclerotic carotid facilitate the delivery of platelet-derived et al. 2003). These interactions are main- let – endothelial interactions in the devel- and stimulated platelets, epinephrine re- (Huo et al. 2003). Platelet P-selectin is important. Repeated injections of P-selec- phase of atherosclerosis, platelet activa- lial ligand for platelet P-selectin is un- mice accelerated the formation of athero- sclerotic lesions (Huo et al. 2003). Recon- of atherosclerosis, including superoxide, for platelet translocation and firm adhe- control mice (Burger and Wagner 2003).
sion, respectively. In addition to P-selec- atherosclerosis is controversial. In pigs ecule in both resting and activated plate- sites of arteries of rabbits with hypercho- 1980, Nichols et al. 1998). Deficiency of et al. 2002) also found GPIIb/IIIa-mediat- did not show any protective role in devel- ditionally, following formation of lesions opment of atherosclerosis (Sramek et al.
on the vessel wall, platelet activation may be initiated by ligation of GPIb with the definitions of firm adhesion are likely to influence the results. Consistent with the Platelet activation influences the devel- deficient in VWF have a defect in secretion an injection of in vitro activated platelets.
bodies. Thus, endothelial P-selectin-medi- in these VWF mutant mice (Denis et al.
luminal surfaces of atherosclerotic arter- conflicting data exist. For example, some or avidity of monocyte/leukocyte integ-rins via P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1(PSGL-1) signaling or delivery of plate-let-derived proinflammatory factors(Figure 1B). Oxidative burst occurs onmonocytes in response to platelet bind-ing. These rapid platelet-mediated regu-lations may play a role in atherosclerosisby promoting monocyte recruitment(Figure 1B). Activated platelets are alsoable to cause a variety of slow reactions.
Resting monocytes do not express tissuefactor, a protein involved in the initia-tion of blood coagulation and the forma-tion of atherosclerotic lesions. However,upon interaction with platelet P-selectin, Figure 1. Mechanisms by which activated platelets participate in the development ofatherosclerosis. (A) No interactions occur between resting platelets and monocytes. (B) transcription of tissue factor is activated.
Activated platelets promote monocyte recruitment via platelet – monocyte interactions.
Activated platelets interacting with monocytes deliver their proinflammatory factors to monocytes. Consequently, affinity and/or avidity of monocyte integrins are upregulated and monocytes arrest on endothelium. Additionally, monocyte – platelet aggregates may employ platelet P-selectin to mediate aggregates to interact with endothelium. (C) Activated platelets promote monocyte recruitment via platelet – endothelial interactions. Activated platelets transiently interacting with endothelium may deposit their proinflammatory factors on thesurface of endothelium, causing subsequent rolling monocyte arrest. Also, platelet-derived proinflammatory factors may infiltrate into the vessel wall, triggering vascular cell prolifer- are primed by several different synergis- tic activators. Exposure of monocytes toplatelet P-selectin and platelet activating factor mobilizes the transcription factor bound to activated GPIIb/IIIa complex.
a ligand for leukocyte Mac-1 (Simon et al.
platelet – leukocyte aggregates are not sclerosis (Shpilberg et al. 2002). This is Michelson et al. (2001) found that the life crete a different set of cytokines, includ- mice. In atherosclerotic mice, deficiency shedding. In our in vivo study (Huo et al.
2003), 2 to 3 hours after an injection of activated platelets, circulating platelet – tectable and ‘‘normal’’ leukocyte subtype tions between monocytes and platelets.
P-selectin on activated platelets initiates their interactions with leukocytes. Among leukocyte subtypes interacting with acti- shed their P-selectin (Berger et al. 1998), vated platelets, monocytes have a compet- suggesting that most platelet – leukocyte activated platelets (Huo et al. 2003). The sequester into peripheral tissues or mono- tially bind platelets, a possible basis for cytes phagocytose platelets bound to their the role of activated platelets in the devel- opment of atherosclerosis, is unknown.
ly, interactions between activated plate- lets and leukocytes will be stabilized due to binding of leukocyte integrins to plate- telets are able to upregulate affinity and/ ces that are contained within the a gran- of inflammatory reactions, as do activat- sclerotic lesions, direct evidence is need- ed platelets. The role of activated platelets are endocytosed from the blood plasma.
in atherosclerotic lesions is really ‘‘plate- rosis. Platelet factor 4 (PF-4), a member derived by limited proteolysis from plate- let basic protein. PF-4 causes chemotaxis lets have recently received intense inter- Thirty years after Ross et al. (1976) pro- cent studies (Nassar et al. 2003) provide protein of the TNF family originally iden- atherosclerosis, direct evidence now sup- 4 in the development of atherosclerosis.
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