Kami Parsa, M.D.
465 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 1001, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Date: _________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________ Age: _____________ DOB: _______/______/______
Address: ______________________________________City_______________________State_______ Zip________________ Home Tel: ________________________________Cell:______________________________Wk Tel: _____________________ Email: _________________________________________ SS# _____________________________________ Primary Physician: _____________________________________ Phone #_________________________________________
How did you hear about Dr. Parsa ?_________________________________________________________________________
Have you been to our website?______________ Was our website helpful? No Yes If No, pls. list reason:
Is it ok to send mail to your address: No Yes Email Blast: No Yes Leave messages on #‟s above: No Yes
What is the reason for your visit today? (Circle all applicable procedures below)
Cosmetic Functional
Please describe your visit for today: ________________________________________________________________________
Have you consulted with other physicians about procedure(s) indicated above: No Yes
If Yes, please describe your understanding of the procedure(s)____________________________________________________
Is this procedure a revision from a previous surgery No Yes If yes, how many previous surgeries?_____________________
What is your “ideal time frame” for procedure(s) completion _______________________________________________________
Employer _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________________ Marital Status: _________________________________ Primary Insurance Co. ____________________________________ Policy # ______________________________________
Group # _______________ Name of person insured __________________________________ SS# ____________________ Eligibility Phone # _________________________________________ Copay ______________________________________ Secondary Insurance Co. ____________________________________ Policy # ____________________________________ Group # _______________ Name of person insured __________________________________ SS# ____________________
Eligibility Phone # _________________________________________ Copay _______________________________________
Do you have any chronic medical problems? (Circle all that apply)
Is there a personal or family history of anesthetic complications? No Yes
If yes, please explain_____________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a family history of any medical problems? (Circle all that apply) Please indicate family member.
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Please list all prior Hospitalizations:
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Please list ALL medications and/or dietary supplements including: (Prescriptions, Over the Counter Medicines, Aspirin, Vitamins and Herbal Supplements such as Fish Oil, Saw Palmetto, Flax Seed Oil and St. John’s Wort)
1. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________
Please list ALL allergies and describe reactions: (i.e. Shellfish, Latex, Penicillin, etc). 1. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
Social History: Have you ever used tobacco products? No Yes If yes, how long?__________ how much?__________
Which tobacco product(s) have you used?____________________________
If you are a former smoker, state the year you stopped: __________________ Past or current use of Nicotine Gum, Patch, or any other type of stop-smoking aid: No Yes
If yes, please list: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Alcohol Consumption:
_________Never (Do not consume alcohol) ________ Rare (1-2 drinks a week) _________ Moderate (7-10 drinks a week) _______ Heavy (daily or more than 10 drinks a wk)
Did you ever drink heavily in the past? No Yes Are you feeling hopeless about the present/future? No Yes Do you currently have thoughts of harming yourself? No Yes
Review of Systems: Please answer the following Yes or No questions to the best of your ability. Do you have any of the following conditions, illnesses or symptoms?
Shortness of Breath at night Y ___ N ____
Shortness of Breath on exertion Y ___ N ____
If Female, could you be preg? Y ___ N ____
Number of live births_______________________
Number of pregnancies ____________________
Date of last mammogram ___________________ Date of date of menses (period)______________
ASSIGNMENT AND RELEASE I, the undersigned, have insurance coverage with _________________________________________ and assign directly to Kami Parsa, M.D., Professional Corporation, all Medical benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges, whether or
not paid by insurance. If the nature of the disability be such that it is not covered by insurance, I will be responsible to the doctor for payment of the entire bill. I hereby authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to secure the payment of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on all my insurance
submissions. _________________________________________________________
DOCUMENT D’OBJECTIFS DU SITE FR 830 1032 «ZONES ALLUVIALES DE LA CONFLUENCE DORE-ALLIER» - DIAGNOSTIC ECOLOGIQUE LES HABITATS NATURELS FORETS ALLUVIALES A BOIS DUR : chênaies pédonculées (9160) Atlas – Partie 2 Classification Code et intitulé Corine Biotope : 41.23 Frênaies-chênaies subatlantiques à primevère Code et intitulé Natura 2000 : 9160 Intit
Unification of God's Name On Purim From the Pri Tzaddik , by Rav Tzaddok HaCohen Mi-Lublin, Vol. 2, pp. 187 - 188, Lublin 5667 (1907), Reprinted in Jerusalem, 1972 Translated by David Jay Derovan, Jerusalem Aside from the intrinsic value of its content, this "Dvar Torah" was selected for translation because it presents primary Kabbalistic contents and applies them to a major