S. Nizam Ahmed, MD, FRCPC; Susan S. Spencer, MD
due to brief interruption of blood supply to the brain.
Epilepsy affects approximately 1 percent of the popula-
Convulsive movements of the extremities may follow
tion and is characterized by recurrent unprovoked
some prolonged episodes. Vasovagal syncope may be
seizures. A careful clinical history is often helpful in diag-
secondary to fear, pain or unpleasant sights such as
nosis, classification of seizure and epilepsy types, selection
blood or medical procedures. Reflex syncope can fol-
of appropriate ancillary studies, selection of anti-epileptic
low coughing, micturition, defecation or Valsalva’s
drugs, and formulation of a long-term management plan.
maneuver. Other causes, especially in the elderly, in-
This article provides directions and guidelines both for
clude orthostatic hypotension and cardiac arrhyth-
the family practice physician and the specialist in evalu-
mias.1 Patients report feeling dizzy/light-headed, full-
ating this patient population in the clinics.
ness in ears, nauseous and often gradual graying orblurring of the vision. Patients who fall tend to go
down more “gracefully” than those with seizures.
A seizure is defined as an abnormal, excessive, paroxys-
Careful history will elicit stereotypical provoking fac-
mal discharge of the cerebral neurons. Epilepsy is a
tors such as prolonged periods of standing in the heat,
chronic condition characterized by recurrent, unpro-
sight of blood, micturition, or abruptly assuming an
voked seizures. In clinical practice, if a patient has 2 or
erect posture after prolonged recumbence. The ab-
more seizures, he/she is diagnosed as having epilepsy.
sence of an aura (described later), tongue bite, urinary
It is of the utmost importance for a clinician to be
incontinence and prolonged tonic-clonic activity in the
aware of other conditions and/or episodes that may
presence of a provoking factor would be more sugges-
simulate seizures. In short, the first question to be ad-
dressed is: Does the episode in question represent a
Transient Ischemic Attacks and Migraines
seizure? The following section provides a brief
Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) result from a tempo-
overview of conditions that can masquerade as seizures.
rary interruption of blood supply in the distribution of
a cerebral vessel. It may be secondary to an embolicphenomenon or may result from a critically stenosed
A detailed discussion of the differential diagnosis of
vessel. “Negative symptoms” such as numbness and
seizures and epilepsy is beyond the scope of this article.
weakness are more likely to manifest as compared to
Some of the common conditions that present to the
the “positive symptoms” (stiffness and twitching) seen
epilepsy clinics will be discussed (Table 1).
with seizures. Symptoms appear in a vascular distribu-
tion and date back to a few months rather than several
A syncope refers to a transient loss of consciousness
years. Patients will likely have risk factors for cere-brovascular disease such as hypertension, diabetes
Doctor Ahmed is the Director of the Comprehensive Adult Epilepsy
and/or coronary artery disease. However, there will be
Program at the University of Alberta and an Assistant Professor in
certain patients with a diagnostic dilemma and a de-
Neurology. He completed his epilepsy fellowship at the Yale
tailed work up for TIA and seizures will be warranted.
University School of Medicine and his neurololgy residency at theMedical College of Wisconsin. Doctor Spencer is a Professor of
A classic migraine with visual aura, nausea/vomiting
Neurology at the Yale School of Medicine and Director of Epilepsy
and pounding hemicranial headache can be differenti-
Fellowships and Clinical Epilepsy Service. She is a former presi-
ated easily from a seizure based on history alone.
dent of the American Epilepsy Society. Please address correspon-dence to S. Nizam Ahmed, MD, FRCPC, 2E3.12, University of
However, migraines presenting with isolated symptoms
Alberta Hospital, 8440-112 St, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2B7,
such as vertigo, episodic vomiting (cyclic vomiting), vi-
Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1 Pseudoseizures and Hysterical SeizuresTable 1. Differential Diagnosis of Seizures
Pseudoseizures are paroxysmal attacks of non-epileptic
etiology. The clinical attacks may resemble different
seizure types and at times are a challenge to the inexpe-
rienced. Certain clinical characteristics are suggestive of
non-epileptic attacks:2 waxing and waning movements
during a single attack, prolonged tonic-clonic activity
without postictal disorientation, non-rhythmic pelvic
thrusting, non-physiological evolution of symptoms
such as motor activity spreading from one hand to the
other without first affecting the ipsilateral face or leg.
Although several characteristics of pseudoseizures
have been described in literature, this is not an easy diag-
nosis to make. It is strongly suggested that all such pa-
tients should be evaluated by clinicians experienced indealing with epilepsy. A significant number of patientsmisdiagnosed with pseudoseizures may turn out to have
Table 2. Classification of Seizures and Epilepsy
epilepsy.3 Inpatient video electroencephalogram is one of
the most useful tools in clarifying the correct diagnosis.4,5
Partial (seizures with a focal or localized onset)
Generalized (Generalized seizures affect both hemispheres si-
Some basic understanding of the classification of
seizures and epilepsy is essential before more formal
guidelines regarding history taking in epilepsy can be
presented. Seizures can be classified as partial or gener-
Partial seizures originate from a discrete or localized
area of the brain, and may or may not spread to other
areas. If a patient maintains awareness during a partial
Examples of localization-related epilepsies
seizure he/she is diagnosed with simple partial seizures.
If awareness is lost, the event is classified as a complex
partial seizure. A simple partial seizure may evolve into
a complex partial and/or secondary generalized seizure.
A generalized seizure does not have a focal onset, and
awareness is lost immediately. There are several recog-
nized kinds of generalized seizures: absence (brief lapse
of awareness); the petit mal; grand mal (tonic then
clonic activity); the convulsive; myoclonic (sudden mas-
* The patient may appear awake but is unable to interact with
sive jerk, usually of upper body); atonic (sudden loss of
his surroundings in a meaningful way, therefore the term “lossof awareness” rather than “loss of consciousness” is used.
tone); and tonic (brief generalized stiffening). The termepilepsy incorporates the kind(s) of seizures and otherinformation about presentation and electroencephala-
sual changes and aphasia with/without headaches can be
gram (EEG). It is broadly classified as localization-re-
a challenge. It is important to consider migraines in the
lated if the seizures have a focal onset, and generalized
differential diagnosis of paroxysmal episodes. A detailed
when they begin all over at once. The term idiopathic
history of previous attacks, certain triggers (caffeine,
denotes that the etiology is unknown, while sympto-
sleep withdrawal, chocolate), or family history of mi-
matic means that a structural cause has been identified
graines may provide additional clues. Empirical treat-
and cryptogenic implies that a structural abnormality is
ment with antiepileptic/anti-migraine medications may
suspected but could not be identified.6 One example is
clarify the diagnosis in some instances.
that a 6-year-old, otherwise normal child who presents
Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1
with absence seizures (a kind of generalized seizure)
What happens during the seizure? Unless a patient
would be diagnosed with idiopathic generalized
has simple partial seizures with preserved awareness,
epilepsy. A 70 year old who presents with focal seizures
he/she will not be able to answer this question. A
after left middle cerebral artery stroke is said to have lo-
witness should be interviewed and specific informa-
calization-related epilepsy symptomatic of the stroke. A
tion sought that may help classify the seizure
patient who is developmentally challenged with gener-
type.9,10 Is there head or eye deviation to one side?
alized seizures but normal cerebral imaging will be clas-
Does the motor activity start on one side of the
sified as having cryptogenic generalized epilepsy.
body? Is the patient able to talk during the seizure?Is there excessive eye blinking at the onset? If au-
tomatisms (defined by Lüders as involuntary, organ-
A witness who can supplement the history should ac-
ized sequences of movement that are not causally re-
company the patient. Collateral history from observers
lated to the external environment) occur, are these
can also be obtained over the telephone if necessary.
more pronounced on one side? Is there a posturing
Ask the patient to describe what happens preceding,
of an extremity? Does the patient bite his tongue or
during, and following the episode. Let them answer
lose control of the bladder function? Seizures origi-
this open-ended question in as much detail as they can
nating from the frontal eye fields may cause head
without interruption. With a good historian, this ques-
and eye deviation to the contralateral side. Temporal
tion alone may provide all the important details.
lobe seizures are often manifested with lip smacking
However, in most instances, further history and details
and other oral and alimentary automatic behavior
will be required. These questions are presented to the
(automatisms), which are most pronounced in the
ipsilateral extremity, along with dystonic posturing
When did you experience the first seizure in your
of the contralateral arm. Occipital lobe seizures can
life? The age of onset may shed some light on the
present with excessive blinking at the onset, negative
classification and etiology of seizures. Seizures start-
visual symptoms or visual distortions. Tongue biting
ing in the early neonatal period are usually second-
and urinary incontinence, although more often seen
ary to perinatal insults, metabolic disorders, and
with generalized seizures, can also be present in
congenital malformation. Generalized seizures tend
to present in early childhood or teenage years. A 70
What happens immediately following the seizure?
year old who presents with new onset seizures is
The immediate period following a seizure is known
likely to have structural pathology such as a stroke
as the postictal period. Following a generalized
or brain tumor. Sometimes a patient cannot answer
tonic-clonic seizure (convulsion), the patient may go
this question reliably, and it is important to have
into a period of postictal sleep. Periods of disorienta-
input from a parent or other close family member.
tion and lack of awareness of the surroundings may
Do you experience some kind of a warning or un-
follow some complex partial seizures. Hemiparesis
usual feeling at the onset, or immediately preceding
or hemiplegia following a seizure (Todd’s paralysis)
the seizure? The warning symptoms that are per-
is suggestive of a focal onset. Aphasia with otherwise
ceived at the onset of a seizure are called “aura.”
normal awareness is suggestive of involvement of the
An aura actually represents a simple partial seizure,
language areas in the dominant hemisphere. Absence
and thus indicates that the seizure is focal in origin.
seizures are typically associated with brief or no pos-
A particular aura may help localize a seizure.7,8
Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy may report a
Is there a diurnal variation? Certain seizures are
déjà vu and/or a rising epigastric sensation, pares-
more commonly seen during different times in the
thesias may be reported in parietal lobe epilepsy,
24-hour daily cycle. Tonic-clonic and myoclonic
and visual distortions or transient blindness may be
seizures seen in primary generalized epilepsies are
experienced in occipital lobe epilepsy. Generalized
more common on awakening or in early morning.
seizures are not preceded by auras since they in-
Temporal lobe seizures occur any time. Certain
volve the whole brain at onset and there is no
frontal lobe seizures have nocturnal presentation,
awareness of any component. If auras are reported
at the onset of generalized seizures, a focal pathol-
Are there any known triggering factors? Seizures
ogy should be sought and the generalized classifi-
can be precipitated by sleep deprivation, flickering
lights, menses, alcohol consumption, medication
Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1 Table 3. History of Presesenting Complaints
Past medical history, when combined with seizure semi-
ology, can provide useful information in terms of etiol-
ogy. In localization-related epilepsy, knowledge of the
underlying etiology/pathology can help make useful de-
cisions with regard to medical and surgical options.
Was the patient the product of a normal full-term
Was there any asphyxia or respiratory distress at
Injuries related to the seizuresFrequency of visits to the emergency department
Were the developmental milestones age-appropriate?
Any history of febrile seizures? The risk of devel-oping epilepsy in the presence of simple and com-
non-compliance, use of antihistamines, stress, fever,
plex febrile seizures is approximately 2% and 13%,
or exercise. Identification of a risk factor may help
Any history of central nervous system infections
What is the seizure frequency? This information is
such as meningitis, encephalitis, and Lyme disease?
helpful in establishing the response to treatment in
In endemic regions, obtain history of known cys-
What has been the maximum seizure-free period
Any history of head injuries, especially associated
since the seizure onset? This question is especially
with depressed skull fracture, intracerebral hemor-
helpful in trying to determine if any specific
rhage, loss of consciousness and prolonged amnesia?
antiepileptic drug was more efficacious than the
others. Once the maximum seizure-free period is
identified, try to determine what medications werebeing used at that time. This medication may be re-
Some social aspects directly pertaining to the seizures
Is there more than one kind of seizure? Inquire
and epilepsy are an important part of the history and
about different seizure types, and describe each
What is your level of education? In patients with a
10. Has the patient sustained injuries related to the
long-standing diagnosis of epilepsy, the level of ed-
seizures? This is a very important practical ques-
ucation may be a reflection of how well the condi-
tion. Patients who are injured either do not have
tion has been managed. It also helps to determine
auras or do not have enough time after the aura to
the level of community support the individual will
take preventive measures. The presence of falls in
require and the potential of educating the patient to
itself does not help classify the seizures, but the in-
Are you employed? What is your job description?
wearing a helmet and modifying the home environ-
Patients whose epilepsy is well-controlled can lead a
productive and normal life. Many of these patients
11. What is the frequency of visits to the emergency de-
are employed full-time or part-time. If seizures are
partment? The answer to this question may shed
poorly controlled, getting and maintaining employ-
light on the degree of seizure control, as well as the
ment may be a challenge.12 The physician can provide
comfort level of the caregivers in dealing with this
guidance regarding welfare plans and other kinds of
condition. Information should be obtained regard-
community support. If the patient is employed, the
ing the specific situation with each hospital visit,
nature of the job should be addressed. A person who
such as non-compliance, changes in the medication,
is mainly involved with an office job, as a cashier, or
and concurrent medical illnesses. If certain precipi-
other sedentary tasks may not be at risk. However, if
tants are identified, appropriate measures can be
you are dealing with a construction worker, heavy
taken. If frequent hospital visits result from the
equipment mechanic, or someone responsible for su-
poor comfort level of the caregivers, proper educa-
pervising others in high-risk areas, detailed education
tion may help rectify the situation.
with some job modification can be critical. Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1 Do you drive? Patients with uncontrolled seizures
who have altered awareness should not be driving.
Inquire about each antiepileptic drug used at any time,
They carry a risk to their personal safety, and en-
including strength of tablet, time of intake, duration of
danger other civilians. Each province and state has
therapy, maximum dose, side effects, and efficacy.
its own driving standards for patients withepilepsy.13 Treating physicians should be familiar
with these sets of codes and advise their patients ac-
Detailed information should be obtained with regard to
cordingly. According to the Wisconsin Department
EEGs and neuroimaging such as computed tomogra-
of Transportation, to be eligible for a driver’s license,
phy (CT) scans of brain and magnetic resonance imag-
a person must be episode-free for at least 3 months.
Are you sexually active? Do you use contraception?Are you planning pregnancy in the near future?
Female patients should be educated about the ter-
Information should be obtained about potential side ef-
atogenicity of antiepileptic drugs, the lower effi-
fects of antiepileptic drugs.16 Excessive drowsiness is
cacy of oral contraceptives with enzyme-inducing
common with early use of phenobarbital, gabapentin,
medication (phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phe-
and primidone but can also be seen with carba-
nobarbital), and the need for using more than one
mazepine, phenytoin, and levetiracetam. Gastrointes-
form of contraception. The above information is
tinal side effects can be related to any medication but
also helpful for patients who are planning preg-
are more common with carbamazepine. Weight gain,
nancy. Any female patient who is of childbearing
hair loss, and postural tremors can be seen with val-
age and is or may become sexually active should be
proic acid, whereas weight loss and paresthesias are
on a daily supplement of folic acid to reduce the
more common with topiramate. Blurry vision,
risk of neural tube defects in the newborn. Detailed
diplopia, and incoordination can be a dose-related side
discussion on the issues of pregnancy and epilepsy
effect with phenytoin, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine.
Gingival hyperplasia and hirsutism are associated with
Do you drink alcohol? Alcohol use is a risk factor
for a first generalized tonic-clonic seizure.15Patients with epilepsy should be discouraged from
the excessive use of alcohol. This may adversely in-
Details about a neurological examination can be found
teract with the metabolism of the antiepileptic
in any standard book on clinical examination. Here are
drugs, or may directly result in seizure exacerba-
some key points with regard to patients with epilepsy:
tion, especially after continued or binge drinking.
• Look for stigmata of neurocutaneous syndrome such
as café au lait spots and iris hamartoms with neurofi-
bramatosis, Ash leaf spots, shahgreen patches, subun-
Family history is important to determine specific
gal fibromas, and adenoma sebaceum with tuberous
epilepsy syndromes or other genetically mediated neu-
sclerosis, or port-wine stain (capillary hemangioma)
rological disorders that have seizures as one manifesta-
tion. Examples include juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
• Look for asymmetries in the size of limbs or one
(JME), familial neonatal convulsions, benign rolandic
half of the body (hemiatrophy), which may suggest
epilepsy, and the syndrome of generalized tonic clonic
seizures with febrile seizures plus. Some of these are
• Check for marks or ulcerations on the side of tongue
age-limited while others are known to be associated
or oral mucous membranes as can be seen with
• Gingival hyperplasia can be seen with phenytoin.17
• Dupytrens contractures can be seen with chronic use
Precise information should be obtained regarding aller-
gies to antiepileptic drugs. Distinction should be made
• Dystonic posturing of one arm on stressed gait, such
between poorly tolerated gastrointestinal side effects ver-
as walking on the sides of the feet may suggest a re-
sus a hypersensitivity reaction. If a rash is reported, try to
mote insult to the corticospinal tracts.
distinguish between photosensitivity reaction (on sun ex-
• Multiple bruises or injuries may result from falls sec-
posed regions) versus hypersensitivity (more diffuse). Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1 Table 4. Common Dose-Related Side Effects of Antiepileptic Medications
CT scan will help to investigate subdural hematoma,
Medication Side
subarachnoid hemorrhage, abscess, neoplastic processes,and other space occupying lesions. CT scan of the brain
sedation, headache, blurred vision, ataxia, gastrointestinal(GI) upset
is recommended if the history or physical examination is
suggestive of a focal pathology. MRI of the brain pro-
vides a better resolution of the normal and abnormal
structure of the brain. It is recommended to look for
pathologies commonly not clarified by the CT scan such
as cerebral dysplasia, mesial temporal scleroses or whenhistory and physical examination is suggestive of focal
headache, dizziness, insomnia, diplopia, ataxia
pathology and the CT does not show the cause. MRI
may be requested before the CT for a better resolution.20
fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness
EEG tests the cerebral function rather than structure.
Epileptiform discharges on the EEG can help classify
the seizure types21 and are suggestive of an increased
risk of recurrent seizures. Focal and generalized slow-
ing is reflective of focal and generalized disturbance of
fatigue, confusion, word finding difficulties,
cerebral function respectively. Focal disturbance can be
seen in strokes, tumors, and abscess. Generalized dis-
turbance is seen in toxic, metabolic, or diffuse struc-
tural abnormalities. An EEG should be performed in
all patients presenting with seizures with the under-
confusion, cognitive impairment, including
standing that a normal EEG does not rule out a clinical
seizure disorder, whereas an abnormal EEG in isolationdoes not confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy.
• End gaze nystagmus with reported diplopia and dif-
ficulty in tandem walking may suggest toxicity re-
The treatment of seizures and epilepsy is an extensive
lated to antiepileptic medications such as carba-
topic and beyond the scope of this article. A few gen-
mazepine, phenytoin, and lamotrigine.
• A single generalized seizure in the absence of abnor-
malities on the physical examination, EEG, and im-
A seizure is a symptom of an underlying pathology.
aging studies may not require treatment.22
Investigations are directed at identifying the precipitating
• The risks and benefits of treatment versus observa-
etiology and conditions that can be arrested, reversed, or
tion should be discussed with the patients and tai-
treated. A detailed history and physical examination can
lored according to each individual case.
provide direction to the extent of investigations. The fol-
• Selection of pharmacotherapy should involve con-
lowing work up is generally recommended.
sideration of the efficacy, tolerability, side effect pro-
file, mechanism of action, and cost.
Hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypomagnesimia, ure-
• Baseline liver function tests, complete blood count,
mia and hepatic encephalopathy can all precipitate
seizures. Checking serum electrolytes along with glu-
• Potential teratogenic effects should be discussed
cose, calcium, magnessium, blood urea nitrogen, creati-
nine, and liver function tests may provide useful clues
• Interactions with oral contraceptives should be real-
to these etiologies. Serum and urine toxicology should
be done when substance abuse or drug overdose is sus-
• Female patients should be placed on folic acid.
pected. In newborns and young children appropriate
• Drug levels should be monitored when compliance
Wisconsin Medical Journal 2004 • Volume 103, No. 1
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Anna G. Jónasdóttir Centrum för feministiska samhällsstudier Samhällsvetenskapliga institutionen Örebro universitet SE-701 82 Örebro E-postadress: Feminism, vetenskap och föränderliga kunskapsintressen Presenterat på den nordiska konferensen Kvinnorörelser – inspiration, intervention och irritation , 10-12 juni 2004, i arbetsgruppen: ”Kön och vetenskapssamhället”