ings of pleural effusion. Cough, tachypnea, and exertionaldyspnea are not reported at the onset of the prodrome,
Few cases have had clearly defined exposures in time
but appear later and herald the onset of pulmonary
and place. The incubation period of other hantavirus
diseases is typically one to four weeks, although HFRS
The onset of hypotension and pulmonary edema may
from Hantaan virus has apparently had an incubation
progress rapidly over the course of 4 to 24 hours. A res-
period up to six weeks. In an effort to determine the in-
piratory rate of 24/min is a sensitive but not specific in-
cubation period of HPS-causing viruses in the United
dicator of early pulmonary edema in HPS. Early pulmo-
States, eight cases were identified with well-defined and
nary edema is imaged on the chest X-ray as Kerley B
isolated exposures. These findings suggested an incuba-
lines, peribronchial cuffing, and alveolar-interstitial fluid
tion period ranging from 9 to 35 days from the time of
in the basal segments (64). At this point, hypoxemia be-
probable infection to onset of symptoms (J. Young, per-
comes apparent, with an oxygen saturation of hemoglo-
sonal communication). For seven of the eight cases re-
bin less than 95% at sea level and less than 90% at
viewed, the incubation period was within 9 to 24 days.
2,000 m or more above sea level. Pulmonary edema isnoncardiogenic in origin, as indicated by normal pul-monary capillary wedge pressures obtained through aSwan-Ganz catheter and normal heart size on the X-ray
(65, 66). Markedly increased pulmonary capillary per-meability results in high-protein pulmonary edema; se-
Following aerosol exposure and deposition of the vi-
verely ill patients may require up to 1 L/h of serum-
rus deep in the lung, infection is initiated. A viremic pe-
resembling fluid to be removed from their airways by
riod ensues, with extensive pulmonary endothelial in-
suction. Shock may be manifest as hypotension and is
fection. The onset of symptoms coincides with the onset
often accompanied by oliguria and delirium. Hypo-
of the immune response, which may reduce virus shed-
volemia resulting from a shift in fluid from circulating
ding, suggesting that the disease process itself is immu-
blood to the lung interstitium and air spaces contributes
to the fall in blood pressure. However, most patients also
The disease is divided into four phases: febrile, car-
experience a serious depression of the myocardium (65).
diopulmonary, diuretic, and convalescent phases (62).
Seriously ill patients may have cardiac indices less than
The febrile, or prodromal, phase typically lasts 3 to 5
days (range 1–12 days) and is indistinguishable from other
Spontaneous diuresis indicates the onset of the diuretic
viral prodromes (63). This phase is characterized by fe-
phase. This third phase of the disease is characterized
ver, myalgias, chills, asthenia, dizziness, headache, an-
by a rapid clearance of the pulmonary edema fluid, reso-
orexia, nausea with or without vomiting, abdominal pain,
lution of fever, and shock. Convalescence extends over
and diarrhea. The abdominal pain may be sufficiently
the next two weeks to two months. Patients appear to
severe to mimic appendicitis or pyelonephritis. While
recover fully, but formal studies of pulmonary function
conjunctival suffusion is rarely seen in HPS in North
and other clinical parameters are needed.
America, facial flushing is commonly seen in HPS cases
In South America, some other clinical aspects have
in the Patagonian region of South America. Indications
been described, including hemorrhagic complications
of upper respiratory tract disease, including sore throat,
(i.e., petechias, not observed in North America) and re-
rhinorrhea, sinusitis, and ear pain, are usually absent.
nal manifestations (46). As well, HPS has appeared in
Physical examination may or may not reveal rales or find-
children, an uncommon finding in North America (40). CLINICAL LABORATORY FINDINGS
iting, and abdominal pain should raise the index of sus-picion and prompt the clinician to inquire about poten-
Hematologic findings can be striking in HPS cases (62,
tial rodent exposures. Tachypnea is an important sign,
67). In SNV infection, the white blood cell count can be
and hypotension may be present. The absence of certain
normal or elevated on admission (median 10,400 mm3;
signs and symptoms can help to distinguish HPS from
range 3,100–65,300 mm3) and usually increases, often
other acute viral syndromes: rash, conjunctivitis, sinusi-
to very high values (median of maximum values 26,000
tis, otitis, rhinorrhea, exudative pharyngitis, and arthritis
mm3 with range 5,600–65,300 mm3). Similar values have
are notably rare in HPS (63). Initial laboratory workup in
been found with other viruses. There is an absolute neu-
suspected cases should include pulse oximetry, chest
trophilia and a relative lymphopenia. In addition to im-
radiograph, and a complete blood count. The likelihood
mature “band” forms, the blood almost always contains
of HPS is high in those with a compatible clinical history
the more undifferentiated forms in the myeloid series,
plus an oxygen saturation measurement of less than 90%,
the myelocytes, and promyelocytes. Among the circu-
interstitial infiltrates or other indications of pulmonary
lating lymphocytes are prominent mononuclear cells with
edema on chest X-ray, and thrombocytopenia, particu-
deep blue cytoplasm by Giemsa stain and that measure
larly if the last is accompanied by left-shifted leukocyto-
greater than 18 µ in diameter. These immunoblasts are
seen in few infections other than HPS and HFRS, and
At the onset of pulmonary edema, almost every case
appear in the circulation coincident with the onset of
displays thrombocytopenia, left-shifted myeloid series,
pulmonary edema. Thrombocytopenia with a platelet
and immunoblasts. This hematologic diagnostic triad is
count less than 150,000/mm3 is seen in almost every case
sufficiently sensitive and specific to use to initiate trans-
and, in rare cases, may fall to 20,000/mm3. Thrombocy-
fer to intensive care and treatment (see Section 7.6). Prior
topenia is the first abnormality to appear in the periph-
to the onset of the signs and symptoms of either shock or
eral blood, often two or three days before the onset of
pulmonary edema, the diagnostic triad is not present on
pulmonary edema, and may be used to screen undiffer-
the peripheral blood smear. Therefore, to raise the sus-
entiated fevers for HPS when the appropriate epidemio-
picion of impending HPS, the clinician must use the com-
logic clues are elicited by history.
bination of three factors: epidemiologic clues to poten-
Elevated creatinine and blood urea nitrogen reflect the
tial exposure, the reported findings of fever and myalgias,
degree of shock and hypovolemia. Proteinuria may be
and thrombocytopenia. Although fully developed HPS
seen and microscopic hematuria is found in most cases.
is a characteristic disease, no combination of symptoms
Patients infected by Bayou, Black Creek Canal, and Andes
is sufficiently sensitive or specific to distinguish its early
viruses may have more prominent renal failure, even re-
stages from a host of other pulmonary infections (63);
quiring hemodialysis (17, 45, 68, and Lázaro, personal
this requires the clinician to retain a level of suspicion
communication). Elevated hepatic enzymes are seen in
until HPS is ruled out. When sufficient evidence for HPS
all cases, but rarely attain a level greater than five times
has accumulated, the patient should be transported im-
the upper normal limit, and hyperbilirubinemia is not seen.
mediately to a unit skilled in intensive cardiopulmonary
The multiorgan failure common in sepsis or posttraumatic
care, as rapid transport can be lifesaving. However, the
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) rarely occurs
decision to move the patient must be weighed against
in HPS. Specific pathology of these organ systems has not
the rapid onset of hypoxemia and the local capabilities
yet been described with any of the HPS viruses, but expe-
for medical evaluation. In all areas with previously known
rience and surveillance definitions are limited.
or suspected cases of HPS, active clinical investigation
In contrast to HFRS, the coagulopathy of HPS is usu-
to definitively diagnose HPS should be performed in all
ally subclinical. Almost all patients have evidence of
persons with unexplained febrile syndrome and epide-
coagulopathy but with elevated partial thromboplastin
miologic risk factors (see Figure 2).
times. Circulating D-dimers are not common, and fibrino-gen levels falling below 200 mg/dl are rare. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS EARLY CASE RECOGNITION
The differential diagnosis is extensive prior to the sero-
logic identification of hantavirus infection. Most com-
Clinicians should consider HPS in patients with fever
monly encountered are bilateral pneumonia with sepsis,
and myalgias, particularly of the larger muscle groups,
adult respiratory distress syndrome complicating systemic
including shoulders, thighs, and lower back. The addi-
infections, trauma and other life-threatening conditions,
tion of such gastrointestinal complaints as nausea, vom-
and sepsis syndrome complicated by either disseminated
FIGURE 2. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome algorithm.
• Oxygen saturation <90, or
with or without left-shiftedleukocytosis and elevated hematocrit,
• Interstitial or bilateral pattern in X-ray
• Hospitalization• Etiological studies
intravascular coagulation (DIC) or alcohol toxicity. A
(Junin, Machupo, Sabia, and Guanarito viruses). When
variety of enzootic infections encountered in rural areas
abdominal or back pain is severe, possible diagnoses of
of North America may be confused initially with HPS,
pyelonephritis, appendicitis, abdominal abscess, or gy-
particularly when thrombocytopenia is present. These
necological infection should be considered.
include plague, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fe-ver or murine typhus, granulocytic or monocytic ehrli-chiosis, leptospirosis, relapsing fever due to Borrelia
hermsii, and acute parvovirus infection. In Latin America,other diagnostic possibilities would include dengue fe-
The most practical approach for the laboratory diag-
ver, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and arenavirus infections
nosis of hantavirus infection in humans is the detection
of IgM antibodies in acute serum samples using an ELISA
At postmortem the lungs are massively edematous, but
IgM capture assay. Virtually all confirmed HPS patients
microscopic studies find little necrosis. There are scant to
have demonstrable IgM in the first or second serum
moderate hyaline membranes, intact pneumocytes, and
sample taken after hospitalization. And while ELISA tests
scarce neutrophils (67). However, there is interstitial infil-
to detect IgG antibodies may also be used to confirm
tration by T lymphocytes and activated macrophages (72).
diagnosis, two serum samples taken two to three weeks
These findings differ from those of typical adult respira-
apart are required to demonstrate rising titers of IgG an-
tory distress syndrome and many pneumonias. Hantaviral
tibodies. Results of testing can be obtained within a few
antigens are detected primarily in endothelial cells, and
hours after the specimen is received in the laboratory.
those in the lung are heavily involved. Lesser amounts of
Less commonly used serological tests, such as immuno-
antigen are found in scattered endothelial cells through-
fluorescent assay and particle agglutination, can also be
out the body, as well as occasional involvement of mac-
applied to hantaviral diagnosis (69).
rophages, myocytes, and many other cell types.
Initial detection of HPS-related hantaviruses was ac-
In contrast to such diseases as South American hem-
complished using heterologous hantaviral antigen (70).
orrhagic fevers, circulating antibodies appear early in the
A more sensitive Sin Nombre recombinant nucleocapsid
clinical course of HPS and often correspond to clinical
antigen was developed in response to the outbreak in
decline rather than improvement (73, 74). Thus, the im-
1993 in the United States; it is now widely used through-
paired vascular permeability is thought to be immuno-
out the Americas in ELISA tests for the detection of New
logically mediated, probably strongly influenced by the
World hantavirus infections. More recently, other recom-
binant antigens have been developed, such as Andesvirus nucleocapsid. Due to the cross-reactive nature ofthese antigens, they cannot discriminate among closely
In fatal cases, fresh frozen tissue, fixed tissue, and blood
There is no known effective antiviral therapy for HPS,
can be used to confirm the diagnosis by RT-PCR, immu-
although the drug ribavirin has shown a treatment effect
nohistochemistry, or ELISA methods, respectively. Col-
in reducing HFRS mortality (75). Open-label ribavirin treat-
lection of blood clots from initial samples of all suspect
ment had no obvious effect in a limited number of HPS
cases is also recommended for subsequent RT-PCR on
patients, and a placebo-controlled clinical trial is currently
selected seropositive individuals. RT-PCR is a molecular
under way in the United States. In the absence of a proven
diagnostic technique targeting specific regions of the vi-
pharmacological treatment and in light of the rapid pro-
rus genome and is available only at selected research
gression of HPS, effective clinical management depends
laboratories. RT-PCR is not recommended for routine
heavily on careful fluid management, hemodynamic moni-
diagnosis, but is valuable in defining the virus genotype,
toring, and ventilatory support. Therapeutic responses to
searching for new viruses, and performing certain epi-
shock in patients with HPS must be guided by an under-
demiological studies. Immunohistochemistry is particu-
standing of the underlying pathophysiology of this disor-
larly well suited to retrospective diagnosis. Viral inclu-
der, that is, profound pulmonary capillary leak in the pres-
sions have rarely been observed in pulmonary capillary
ence of primary myocardial pump dysfunction.
endothelial cells by electron microscopy.
Experimental therapies have been used to treat severely
Some Old World hantaviruses have occasionally been
ill patients with HPS. These include extracorporeal mem-
isolated from patient serum or whole blood drawn within
brane oxygenation (ECMO) and nitrous oxide inhalation.
three to nine days of onset of illness. However, propaga-
Experience is very limited in the use of these experimen-
tion of hantaviruses is difficult and this is not a recom-
tal measures to treat HPS patients, and they have gener-
ally been used only as a last resort form of therapy. Thereare no clinical data on the effectiveness of administeringimmune plasma to treat HPS patients. While this therapy
has been effective for Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF),the differences in immune response and pathophysiol-
The pathogenesis of HPS is related to a profound abnor-
ogy between AHF and HPS suggest it is unlikely to be
mality in vascular permeability. The capillary leak syn-
drome is virtually confined to the lungs, and chest radio-
Antiviral therapy with a drug such as ribavirin may be
graph series typically chronicle the rapid onset of diffuse,
more effective if given to patients identified very early in
bilateral interstitial, and later alveolar, pulmonary edema
the prodromal stage. Such patients might be close con-
(64). There is also evidence for myocardial failure as an im-
tacts of a confirmed HPS case (about 10% of hantavirus
portant component of the shock syndrome observed (65).
cases occur in clusters, regardless of the issue of possible
interhuman transmission of Andes virus) or persons with
cause patients with this viral infection can deteriorate so
very high risk exposure. Protocols should be developed to
rapidly, a Swan-Ganz catheter should be inserted as soon
permit controlled studies of early, expectant antiviral treat-
as is clinically warranted. Intravenous crystalloid fluid is
ment initiated prior to laboratory testing. Argentina has such
used to maintain as low a wedge pressure (8–12 mmHg)
a protocol that may be requested as a template.1 For every
as is compatible with satisfactory cardiac indices (car-
new procedure or therapeutic measure it is strongly rec-
diac index >2.2 L/min/m2). Inotropic agents, such as
ommended that controlled studies be performed.
dobutamine, dopamine, and norepinephrine, are begunearlier in the resuscitation of these patients than in theusual patient, rather than continued fluid boluses. The
Initial Treatment of Hantavirus
use of loop diuretics such as furosemide is discouraged,
Pulmonary Syndrome in the Emergency Room
since salt and water will be removed from circulating
and During Transport
blood before being removed from the alveolar and inter-stitial compartments in the lung, thus exacerbating hy-
Initial treatment during the observation period should
potension. Red blood cells are usually not required to
be directed to symptomatic and supportive measures, such
maintain oxygen delivery unless hemoglobin concentra-
as the control of fever and pain with paracetamol (avoid-
tion falls below 8.5–10 g/dl. Thrombocytopenia has not
ing the use of aspirin), antiemetics, and bed rest. The ob-
required support with platelet transfusion. So far there is
servation period could be managed at a primary care cen-
no evidence that pharmacological doses of corticosteroid
ter. However, if there is a high suspicion of HPS according
offer any benefit in the treatment of HPS. Cardiac arrhyth-
to the proposed HPS algorithm (Figure 2), patients should
mias, particularly any episodes of electromechanical dis-
be immediately transferred to an emergency room (ER).
sociation, portend a poor outcome and should be ag-
Treatment in the ER should focus on maintenance of
gressively treated. Renal failure and need for hemodialysis
blood pressure and oxygenation while transfer to an in-
is rare among Sin Nombre virus infections but was re-
tensive care unit (ICU) is organized. When patients
ported for two HPS cases due to Andes virus in southern
present with shock to the ER, the case fatality rate ex-
Argentina and Chile. Extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ceeds 80%. In contrast, the case fatality rate is 10% in
ation (an experimental procedure) should be considered
the absence of shock at this time, indicating the impor-
when available if the serum lactate level exceeds
tance of cardiogenic shock as a cause of death. While
4 mmol/l and cardiac index <2.2 L/min/m2.
some patients may have fluid requirements of 1 to 2 L
Due to the extensive differential diagnosis, all pa-
due to vomiting and diarrhea, it must be kept in mind
tients should be treated for more common events, such
that excessive fluid resuscitation will exacerbate the pul-
as sepsis. A broad-spectrum antibiotic such as intrave-
monary edema without commensurate improvement in
nous ceftriaxone or ampicillin-sulbactam, as well as
cardiac output. Early use of inotropic agents (see Sec-
doxycycline used to treat rickettsioses, ehrlichioses,
tion 7.8.2) may be necessary, depending on the ability
plague, and tularemia, should be administered until
to monitor response to therapy. Due to the rapid onset
either HPS is confirmed or another diagnosis is made.
of pulmonary edema, hypoxemia may deteriorate rap-idly over several hours, and continuous monitoring ofoxygenation by pulse oximetry is preferred. Case Management in a Rural Setting
In rural settings without access to intensive care facili-
Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit
ties, treatment of cases should focus on maintenance ofblood pressure and oxygenation. In addition, broad-
Close monitoring of oxygenation is extremely impor-
spectrum antibiotics such as suggested in Section 7.8.2
tant so that timely intubation and mechanical ventila-
should be administered until either HPS is confirmed or
tion can be provided when required (when PAO /FIO
another diagnosis is made. Intravenous crystalloid fluid
falls below 150). Oxygen delivery is usually maintained
should be used carefully so as not to exacerbate pulmo-
until the cardiac index falls below 2.2 L/min/m2. Me-
nary edema. It is recommended that fluid balance be main-
chanical ventilation is required for about two-thirds of
tained, with replacement fluid administered according to
patients and typically lasts for five to seven days. Be-
the amount lost. In case of shock, it would be necessary touse such inotropic agents as dobutamine or dopamine, even
1For further information contact Dr. Delia Enría, Instituto Nacional
in the absence of cardiac monitoring. Oxygen delivery
de Enfermedades Virales Humanas, Monteagudo 2510, 2700
should also be initiated early on, and a nonrebreathing mask
Pergamino, Argentina; Telephone: (54-477) 29712/14; Fax: (54-477)33045; E-mail: [email protected].
could be used to ensure 100% oxygen concentration.
Shihan Taylor’s Branch - Australian Newsletter April 2004 From Shihan’s desk Spring camp: The New South Wales Spring camp was once again a great success with almost 80 members attending from as far as Eventually the fight was over and as we waited for the Victoria. The weather not kind as it rained from start to results I realised that she had hurt me more than it had fini
Growth, Metabolic Rates and Body Composition of Individually Reared Triploid Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) in Comparison to Diploid Full-Sibs Ulfert Focken1, Gabriele Hörstgen-Schwark2, Christian Lückstädt1 and Klaus Becker1 1 Department of Animal Nutrition and Aquaculture in the Tropics and Subtropics,Hohenheim University 480b, Fruwirthstr. 12, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany, E-mail: