Quality of life in alopecia areata: a study of 60 cases

M Dubois et al.
Quality of Life in Alopecia Areata Hegemann L, Forstinger C, Partsch B et al. (1995) Nowak A, Klimowicz A (1990) 2-Stage penetra- Roos K, Brorson JE (1990) oncentration of Microdialysis in cutaneous pharmacology— tion of a single oral dose of sulfadimethoxine phenoxymethylpenicillin in tonsillar tissue.
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Qol for almost all the SF36 dimensions.
leisure activity, daily life, and physical adherence to the Helsinki guidelines.
pathic urticaria, and atopic dermatitispatients; (ii) being less bothered totreatment-induced Abbreviations: AA, alopecia areata; Qol, quality of life; SF36, short form 36 2830 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2010), Volume 130 Table 1. Quality-of-life indicative comparisons between AA patients and other dermatological conditions, andFrench age- and sex-matched controls1 37.4±24.7 o0.001 23.8±21.8 o0.001 34.2±24.6 o0.001 0.145 36.2±20.4 o0.001 35.5±21.3 o0.001 49.3±25.2 o0.001 50.3±25.5 o0.001 50.1±25.5 o0.001 47.2±29.3 o0.001 36.7±28.1 o0.001 46.7±27.9 o0.001 Treatment restrictions 30.3±30.2 35.8±34.0 44.4±28.2 o0.001 61.4±23.7 o0.001 69.8±21.3 o0.001 Abbreviations: AA, alopecia areata; AD, atopic dermatitis; CU, chronic urticaria; HS, hidradenitis suppurativa; NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; PSO,psoriasis; SF36, short form 36.
2SF36, 36 items, eight dimensions (range (0–100), 0 lowest and 100 highest level of Qol; 3VQ-Dermato, 28 items, seven domains and one overall score (range (0–100), 0 highest and 100 lowest level of Qol; 4Skindex, 29 items, three domains (range (0–100), 0 highest and 100 lowest level of Qol; Bold values Po0.05.
Table 2. Associations between VQ-Dermato dimension scores and global score, and sociodemographic/clinicalcharacteristics in 60 alopecia areata (AA) patients M Dubois et al.
Quality of Life in Alopecia Areata 1Mean ± SD, P: P-value Mann–Whitney test.
2Spearman’s correlation coefficient, P: P-value Spearman’s test.
3Course of the disease was defined as ‘‘unstable’’ if there was alternation of worsening and improvement phases in the last 2 years, and ‘‘stable’’ otherwise.
4Severity 1: visual analog scale by reference to the cases of AA seen in daily practice; 0 ‘‘patient among the least affected’’ and 100 ‘‘patient among the mostaffected’’.
5Severity 2: visual analog scale by reference to the cases of all skin disorders seen in daily practice; 0 ‘‘patient among the least affected’’ and 100 ‘‘patientamong the most affected’’.
Bold values: Po0.05.
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Source: http://www.iresp.net/files/2013/04/48-Dubois-et-al-2010.pdf

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