International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology 2 (2012) 148-152
Resistance Rates to Various Antimicrobial Agents of Helicobacter pylori Isolates in Eastern Turkey Gokben Ozbey1*, Ibrahim Halil Bahcecioglu2, Mehmet Nuri Acik3 1Vocational School of Health Services, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey 2Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey 3Vocational School of Health Services, Bingol University, 12000, Bingol, Turkey
The aim of this study was to determine the resistance rates of Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori) to various antimicrobial agents. The agar disk diffusion method (Kirby Bauer)
was used to determine the sensitivity of H. pylori isolates to various antimicrobials. Of the
61 H. pylori isolatestested, no isolates was resistant to amoxycillin and tetracycline. The
resistance rates were 42.6% for metronidazole, 21.3% for clarithromycin, and 3.3% for
levofloxacin. Compared to clarithromycin and metronidazole, levofloxacin showed the
lowest resistance. This is the first report on the resistance rates of H. pylori to antibiotics in
Elazig Province, East of Turkey. This study suggests that the large scale studies is needed to
help us to understand better the effect of resistance on the H. pylori eradication.
1. Introduction
Megraud, 1997). In recent years, resistance to
amoxycillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is associated
have been on the increase in a number of
with a variety of disorders including chronic
gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma,
inhibition of H. pylori growth in vitro
lymphoma (Amieva and El-2PDU &RUUHD
(Bauernfeind, 1997), and levofloxacin-based
andHoughton, 2007). Therefore, eradication of
triple therapy is effective as first-line anti-
H. pylori colonization is important to prevent
H. pylori therapy (Nista et al Rispo et al.,
peptic ulceration and gastric carcinogenesis
resistance in H. pylori has been found to be
antibiotics used for the treatment of H. pylori
linked to mutations in the quinolone resistance-
infections are amoxycillin, tetracycline,
determining regions (QRDRs) of gyrA (Gerrits
metronidazole, and clarithromycin (Unge, 1998).
The prevalence of H. pylori infection has
compliance, and resistance to antibiotics are
become increasingly widespread in Turkey.
causes of treatment failure (%URXWHW HW DO
Therefore, the eradication of this bacterium has
*Corresponding author Dr. Gokben Ozbey Tel: +90 424 2370079 Fax: +90 424 2415544 E-mail: [email protected]G. Ozbey et al.,/ International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology 2 (2012) 148-152
become a major public health concern worldwide.
solution and adjusted to the density equal to 3.0
However, the resistance rate of H. pylori to
McFarland standard (1x109 cfu/ml) (Xia et al,
antibiotics in Elazig Province, East of Turkey has
1994). The suspension was spread on Mueller-
not yet been reported. The aim of this study was to
Hinton blood agar plates (Oxoid). The antibiotic
investigate the resistance rates of H. pylori to
clarithromycin (15 μg), tetracycline (30 μg),
amoxycillin (10 μg), levofloxacin (5 μg) were
2. Material and Methods
aseptically placed onto the agar. Inhibition zone
diameters were measured in milimeters after 3 days
2.1. Patients and H. pylori isolates
of incubation at 37°C under microaerophilic
Sixty one H. pylori isolates used in this study
conditions and determined as resistant (R) or
were isolated from the antrum of Turkish patients
susceptible (S) (Boyanova et al, 2000). A zone size
(29 males and 32 females, age range 20 to 80 years,
<16 mm was evaluated as resistant for
average 47) with gastrointestinal complaints
admitted to Gastroenterology Department of Firat
2006), 25 mm for amoxicillin resistance (Lang and
University Hospital, during 2009 and 2010. Patients
Garcia, 2004) and 30 mm for clarithromycin and
collected endoscopically in two groups as gastritis
in 51 cases and peptic ulcer in 10 cases,
Kulsuntiwong et al., 2008). Reference H. pylori
consecutively enrolled and selected at random.
strains (clinical strains) were used as positive
This study was approved by the Medical Ethics
control (kindly provided by Dr. Vildan CANER).
Committee of Firat University and informed
consent was provided from all patients prior to
3. Results 3.1. Isolation and identification results of H. pylori
A total of 61 H. pylori isolateswas isolated
2.2. Isolation and identification of H. pylori
from 51 patients with gastritis and 10 patients
immediately streaked onto Columbia agar base
(Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) containing 7% laked
3.2. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing results
horse blood (SR0048C, Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK)
The results of the susceptibility testing for
and H. pylori supplement SR0147E (trimethoprim 5
H.pylori isolates are shown in Table 1. Sixty one
mg/l, vancomycin 10 mg/I, amphotericin B 5 mg/I
isolates tested against the different antibiotics. The
and cefsulodin 5 mg/I) (Oxoid). Plateswere
highest resistance rate was for metronidazole 26
incubated at 37ºC for 4 to 7 days in microaerophilic
(42.6%), followed by 13 (21.3%) to clarithromycin,
conditions obtained by a gas generating kit
and 2 (3.3%) to levofloxacin. No resistance to
amycillin and tetracycline in our study was detected.
(Chomvarin et al., 2006). Identification of H. pylori
was evaluated by observation of the colony
Table 1. Resistance rates to antimicrobial agents of H. pylori
morphology, gram-staining and biochemical
methods (oxidase, and catalase activities) (Goodwin
Antibiotics Number of Resistant isolates %
Reference H. pylori strains (clinical strains)
(provided by Dr. Vildan CANER, Pamukkale
University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Medical Biology, Denizli-Turkey) were used as a
4. Discussion 2.3. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was
H. pylori is increasingly resistant to antibiotics,
performed by using disk diffusion method. H. pylori
especially metronidazole and clarithromycin
colonies were suspended in 1.0 ml sterile saline
G. Ozbey et al.,/ International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology 2 (2012) 148-152
Determining the antibiotic resistance among Silva et al., 200). The prevalence of H. pyloriH. pylori isolates would improve the eradication of
resistance to tetracycline is low (<3%) in all
countries, except in Africa (43.9%) (De Francesco
Numerous studies have performed to investigate
et al., 2010). Tetracycline resistance in Turkey is
the prevalence of H. pylori resistance to antibiotics
approximately 0-4% (KantarcHNHQ HW DO $JHO
(Megraud and Lehours, 2007). Resistance to
metronidazole has been observed worldwide
Amoxycillin resistance has been associated with
(Eltahawy, 2002) and showed commonly in several
a mutation in the pbp-1A gene and altered uptake of
countries, ranging from 10 to 90% with the lowest
beta-lactams after long exposure of H. pylori to
resistance rates in Europe and Australia, the highest
amoxicillin (DeLoney and Schiller, 2000). Japanese
rates in Africa whereas in other developing
authors have reported an increase in H. pylori
countries, the rate of resistance to metronidazole
resistance rates to amoxicillin from 2000 to 2003
ranges from 80 to 90% (Quintana-Guzman et al.,
(Watanabe et al., 2005). The results of the present
1998). Therefore, metronidazole should be preferred
study are similar to a previous study (Yetgin, 2006)
to amoxicillin in first-line therapy in Europe
in Turkey where no resistance to amoxycillin and
(Malfertheiner et al., 2007) but not in Asian patients (De Francesco et al., 2010). The resistant rate
(42.6%) to metronidazole in this study is consistent
The prevalence of levofloxacin resistance varies
with a previous report (41.9%) in Turkey (Bakir
ranging from 14.3% in Japan to 16.8% in Belgium,
Ozbey et al., 2009) but lower than previous reports
17% in Brazil, 18% in Hong Kong, 21.5% in Korea,
(49.2% and 53%, respectively) performed by
22.1% in Germany, %19.1 in Italy and 25.5% in
Kantarceken et al. (2000) and Agel et al. (2000).
Turkey %RJDHUWV HW DO Coelho HW DO
This may be explained by the wide use of
metronidazole in treatment of gynecologic infection
DO :RQJ HW DO Zullo et al., 2007). The
and intestinal parasitic infections, which occur in
resistance towards levofloxacin is rapidly increasing
worldwide and a cross-resistance between
Resistance rates to clarithromycin has been
clarithromycin and levofloxacin resistance have
reported as 10-15% in USA, 10% in France, 16% in
been also reported (Zullo et al., 2007). This could be
a cause for concern in using levofloxacin in those
Meyer et al., 200 )UDVHU HW DO 6WUHHW HW DO
areas where primary clarithromycin resistance is
Resistance rates to clarithromycin (21.3%) was
This is the first report on the resistance rates of
found in this study. The major cause for
H. pylori to antibiotics in Elazig Province, East of
clarithromycin resistance is a previous use of
Turkey. In our study, metronidazole resistance was
macrolides, and therefore, an increased prevalence
found to be high. We found that levofloxacin
is showed in most countries (Megraud and Lehours,
showed the lowest resistance compared to
clarithromycin and metronidazole. Levofloxacin
Tetracycline is an antibiotic which is commonly
may be used in eradicating H. pylori. However, cost
used in first- and second-line regimens for the
of levofloxacin should be taken into account when
treatment of H. pylori (Megraud and Marshall,
dealing with widespread infection. Further research
Gisbert and Pajares, 2001)and widely
and an alternative therapy method is also needed to
available and cheap, had advantage that resistance
improve the H. pylori eradication rate.
against it was rare in H. pylori (Ribeiro et al., 2004).
However, in the past few years, the incidence of
tetracycline resistance has increased, especially in
The material used in this study obtained from the
countries where tetracycline can be obtained
project funded by the Firat University Scientific
without prescription (5HDOGL HW DO Wu et al.,
Research Projects Unit (FUBAP 1609). We thank to
2000). This increase is a serious concern because it
management of Elazig Veterinary Control and
negatively affects the efficacy of tetracycline-
Research Institute for their invaluable help during
containing regimens (*LVEHUW DQG 3DMDUHV
our study. The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Vildan CANER, Department of Medical Biology,
G. Ozbey et al.,/ International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology 2 (2012) 148-152
Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University,
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March 2012 Newsletter A Note from the President Fast winds and warmer temperatures aren’t the only thing March brings. March is National Nutrition Month. Nutrition month awareness focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. It’s a simple and straightforward task: make healthy choice
Surveillance study on endocrine disrupters in Sewer (Purpose) At present, the problem of hormone-disruptive chemicals is attracting many people’s attention in various fields. In May 1998, the “Environmental Estrogen Strategic Plan SPEED ‘98” was released, wherein 67 substances are enumerated as chemicals having a risk of endocrine-disrupting activity. In this examination, we examine