
These drugs are supposed to relax people, yet they Are you depressed?
The best remedy is to make your peace with
A patient’s chances of suicide jump from 11 out of God; trust in Him; read the Scriptures every day;
100,000 to as much as 718 out of 100,000 if one is by the grace of Christ, live a clean life; thank Him
taking one of these new SSRI antidepressants (Prozac, for all His blessings; and, whether at home or at
Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, and Celexa). Yet those medications work, spend your time helping others.
are supposed to rid a person of depressed, suicidal But do not take antidepressants! Here is some
tendencies! The risk is even higher for the new sero- information to share with those who do:
tonergic antipsychotics (Zyprexa, Risperal, Seroquel): USEFULNESS OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS
Millions of Americans are now taking Prozac and The data for this study was presented by Dr. Arif similar antidepressants. The technical name for these Khan at a recent meeting of the New Clinical Drug Evalu- are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
ation Unit, of the National Institute of Mental Health.
They are supposed to help people achieve happier, less What Khan did was to analyze the data on the sui- anxious lives and are given for a broad range of disor- cide rate of all the patients who participated in the clini- ders—including panic, obsessive, and phobic condi- cal trials for these new drugs, a total of over 71,604 tions, as well as depressive and anxious states, and people. The purpose of the clinical trials was to ascer- even substance abuse and eating disorders.
tain whether the drugs were “safe and effective” for the But a team, led by University of Connecticut psy- general public. When completed, the data was presented chologist Irving Kirsch, analyzed clinical trial data for to the FDA, which examined it and then approved the six widely prescribed antidepressants approved by the new compounds. What Khan did was to look more FDA between 1987 and 1999 (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, closely at the data which the FDA thought was so excel- Effexor, Serzone, and Celexa). They found that “80 per- lent for drugs approved between 1985 and 2000.
cent of the response to medication was duplicated in It should be known that everyone known to be “ac- tively suicidal” was excluded from those trials. What In everyday language, that means that the people Khan discovered was that the suicide rate among those who received only the fake pills felt better just about as who did take the medications horribly increased to an much as those who got the drug! The average differ- ence in improvement was only two points on the Why is it that the FDA did not recognize this glar- Hamilton Depression Scale, which produces scores up ing fact? It is clear that these drugs, that increase the to 50 or 62 points, depending on the version used. The serotonin rate in people—cause suicide rather than cure difference was so small that it was obvious the people it. Ironically, modern psychiatry treats patients by giv- got better because they expected to. (Source: Irving Kirsch, et al., “The Emperor’s New Drugs,” Preven- tion and Treatment, July 2002. This is the journal of • Average Americans have an 11 out of 100,000 suicide rate. The rate for those who take antidepres- “Our data suggest that the effects of antidepressant sant drugs should lower it from 11 to 4 or 6. But, in- drugs are very small and of questionable clinical sig- stead, the serotonin drugs dramatically increase the nificance,” the Kirsch study concluded. Due to the dan- likelihood those taking them will want to end their lives: gerous side effects of these drugs, people should not • 752 per 100,000 for those treated with atypical antipsychotics: risperidone (Riserdal), olanzapine ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND SUICIDE
(Zyprexa), and quetiapine (Seroquel).
Now we come to a second, separate report on
• 718 per 100,000 for those taking SSRIs: selec- antidepressants, which the present writer ob-
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, tained a month later.
In the September issue of Clinical Psychiatry News, • 425 per 100,000 for those treated for “social anxi- Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director of International ety disorder” with nefazodone (Serzone), mirtazapine Coalition for Drug Awareness (and author of Prozac: (Remeron), and bupropton (Wellbutrin/Zyban).
Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare), dis- • 136 per 100,000 for those treated for panic dis- cussed an astounding research study—that people who order with benzodiazepine alprazolam (Xanax).
regularly take serotonergic medicines (another name • 105 per 100,000 for those treated for obsessive- for SSRIs) are 68 times more likely to commit suicide compulsive disorder with anticonvulsant valproate

Source: http://www.hygienic-healing.com/HHG-Disease/depressed.pdf


Luby-Rackoff Backwards: Increasing Security by Making Block Ciphers Non-Invertible Mihir Bellare1, Ted Krovetz2, and Phillip Rogaway21 Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of California at San Diego,9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093, USA. E-Mail: [email protected] Dept. of Computer Science, University of California at Davis,Engineering II Bldg., One Shield


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