Microsoft word - sdi_msds_li-ion_459723-001_sterling__080212.doc
1. PRODUCT / COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Samsung SDI Lithium-Ion Cell/Battery Samsung SDI Sterling(Platinum) SDI P/N : P12P11-02-N01 HP P/N : 459723-001 Issue Date : 06/03/2008 Reference # : SDI20080306-003 Item Nominal MANUFACTURER
508 Sungsung-Dong Cheonan City Chungchongnam-Do, Korea Telephone : 82-41-560-3650 Fax : 82-41-560-3697 e-mail : [email protected]2. COMPOSITION INFORMATION INGREDIENTS 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION
PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY Skin contact, Skin absorption, Eye contact, Inhalation, and Ingestion : NO
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it
Skin contact, Skin absorption, Eye contact, Inhalation
→ No effect under routine handling and use.
If swallowed, obtain medical attention immediately.
If exposure to internal materials within cell due to damaged outer casing, the following actions are recommended.
Leave area immediately and seek medical attention.
Rinse eyes with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.
Wash area thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention.
Drink milk/water and induce vomiting; seek medical attention.
Cell is not flammable but internal organic material will burn if the cell is incinerated. Combustion products include, but are not limited to hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Use extinguishing media suitable for the materials that are burning.
If possible, remove cell(s) from fire fighting area. If heated above 125°C, cell(s) can explode/vent.
Use NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with full protective gear.
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it
Place material into suitable containers and call local fire/police department.
If possible, remove from water and call local fire/police department.
No special protective clothing required for handling individual cells.
Keep away from heat and open flame. Store in a cool dry place.
Not required during normal operations. SCBA required in the event of a fire.
Not required beyond safety practices of employer.
Steel toed shoes recommended for large container handling.
Solid Odor
N/A Vapor pressure Vapor density
N/A Boiling point N/A Solubility in water
Insoluble Specific gravity 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it
None (during normal operation). Avoid exposure to heat, open flame, and corrosives.
None (during normal operating conditions). If cells are opened, hydrogen fluoride and carbon monoxide may be released.
Avoid exposure to heat and open flame. Do not puncture, crush or incinerate.
This product does not elicit toxicological properties during routine handling and use.
This product does not contain any kinds of the following substances and halogen-type flame retardants including Chlorine and Bromide type harmful flame retardants which are listed in Appendix of TCO documents and relevant international ECO requirements:
None of the following substances will be exposed, leaked, or emitted during transportation, storage or any operation and any temperature condition: Chlorinated
Mercury of greater than 0.0001 wt% for alkaline battery
Mercury of greater than 0.0005 wt% for other battery
Lithium content of greater than 0.5g/cell, 1.5g/battery
Cadmium, lead, and other harmful heavy metal
This product does not contain mercury, cadmium and lithium-metal.
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it
Mercury content: N/A Lithium-metal : N/A Cadmium content: N/A If the cells are opened through misuse or damage, discard immediately. Internal components of cell are irritants and sensitizers.
Some materials within the cell are bioaccumulative. Under normal conditions, these materials are contained and pose no risk to persons or the surrounding environment.
CALIFORNIA REGULATED DEBRIS RCRA Waste Code: Non-regulated Dispose of according to all federal, state, and local regulations.
OSHA hazard communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) Hazardous
Lithium ion batteries containing no more than 1.5g/cell and 8g/battery pack of lithium can be treated as “Non-dangerous goods” under the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Special Provision 188, provided that packaging is strong and prevent the products from short-circuit. With regard to air transport, the following regulations are cited and considered:
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions (2006-2007 Edition),
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (49th Edition, Special Provisions A45, A88, A99 and A154)
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code (2002 Edition),
The US Hazardous Materials Regulation (HMR) pursuant to a final rule issued by RSPA (Part 49 CFR Sections 100-185),
The Office of Hazardous Materials Safety within the US Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), and
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it
The UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations and the Manual of Tests and Criteria.
Our products are properly classified, described, packaged, marked, and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to all the applicable international and national governmental regulations, not limited to the above mentioned. We further certify that the enclosed products have been tested and fulfilled the requirements and conditions in accordance with UN Recommendations (T1 – T8) on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations and the Manual of Testes and Criteria that can be treated as “Non-Dangerous Goods”. Test results of the UN Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Manual of Test and Criteria(38.3 Lithium battery) Test Results 16. OTHER INFORMATION
For further information, please contact SAMSUNG SDI sales representative.
This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth
are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it | Spectrum | Zeichen der Zeit | Artikel drucken Flüstern und schreien 04.03.2011 | 19:13 | Von Georg Christoph Heilingsetzer (Die Presse) Seit zwölf Jahren teilt Monika Mikus ihr Leben mit einer Stimme, die nur sie hört. Im Mai 1999 stellte sie sich bei ihr vor: „Du darfst mich Adonis nennen.“ Adonis habe erklärt, Frau Mikus sei „Jesus im Außendienst“ Gu
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