In order for school personnel to administer prescribed or over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol to a student, the following information must be on file and contain the written consent of the parent or guardian. No medication will be given by school personnel without the written consent of a parent or guardian. Student Name __________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth______________________Grade__________
Daytime Phone__________________________________Emergency Phone________________________________
Please select and complete info for medications approved to administer to your child.
Topical Creams (poison ivy, anti-itch, etc.)
(please include name of medication, dose, etc.)
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should my child receive the following medications_________________________
Special Instructions and/or conditions we should be aware of. Ex inhaler, heart disease, Epipen, etc.
Special instructions/storage for Medication____________________________________________________________
Possible side effects and action to be taken if they occur___________________________________________________
Physician / Health Care Provider________________________________________Phone________________________
Prescription medication - must be in a clearly marked container from a pharmacist. The label must show the student’s name, the dosage directions, the physician / health care provider’s name and the prescription number.
Over-the-counter medication - must be in the original container labeled with the student’s name and dosage directions.
No student is permitted to carry or self-administer his or her own medication at school. Medication(s), including prescription and over-the-counter, must be delivered to the office at the start of the school day.
Students must arrive at the front desk in a timely fashion to receive their medication.
The parent/guardian has the sole responsibility for ensuring that prescriptions are filled or re-filled as needed.
This form is valid for the current school year (2013/2014) beginning with the first day of school in August.
The undersigned agree not to file or make any claim against anyone for negligence in connection with the administration or non-administration of any medicines and further agree to save such individuals and hold them harmless from any liability incurred as a result of the administration or non-administration of any medicines. I give my permission for the Chief Administrator of Horizon Christian Academy, or his/her designee to administer the prescribed medication. Signature of Parent / Guardian ___________________________________________Date______________
A frontal assessment battery at bedside B. Dubois, MD; A. Slachevsky, MD; I. Litvan, MD; and B. Pillon, PhD Article abstract— Objective: To devise a short bedside cognitive and behavioral battery to assess frontal lobe functions. Methods: The designed battery consists of six subtests exploring the following: conceptualization, mental flexibility, motor programming, sensitivity to interfe
9. Auflage (2012), erstellt und überarbeitet v. PD Dr. T. Bartsch Klinik für Neurologie des Universtätsklinikums SH, Kiel (Dir.: Prof. Dr. G. Deuschl), Neurozentrum, Schittenhelmstr 10, 24105 Kiel Inhaltsverzeichnis . 2 Hirnnerven-Störungen . 2 Motorik . 5 Sensibilitätsstörungen und Schmerzformen . 7 Schmerzsyndrome . 9 Cerebelläre Funktionsstörungen . 11 Schwindel . 13 Dysarthrie .