Efficacy of atenolol as a single antihypertensive agent in hyperthyroid cats
Efficacy of atenolol as a single antihypertensive agent in hyperthyroid cats
Rosemary A. Henik, Rebecca L. Stepien, Lisa J. Wenholz and Michele K. Dolson
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2008) 10, 577e582doi:10.1016/j.jfms.2007.11.008
Efficacy of atenolol as a single antihypertensive agentin hyperthyroid cats
DVM, MS, DACVIM (Internal Medicine) Rebecca L Stepien DVM, MS, DACVIM
(Cardiology) , Lisa J Wenholz BS, CVT , Michele K Dolson CVT
b-Adrenergic blockers, particularly atenolol, are often recommended for the
tachycardia and hypertension that accompany hyperthyroidism; however, the
effects of monotherapy with atenolol on both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and
heart rate (HR) have not been reported. Twenty hyperthyroid cats with SBP
!160 mmHg were studied retrospectively to investigate the SBP and HR
lowering effects of atenolol. Median pre-treatment SBP and HR for all cats were
186.5 mmHg and 231 beats/min, respectively. All cats were treated with atenolol
at a dosage of 1e2 mg/kg PO q 12 h for a minimum of 5 days prior to
reassessment and treatment with radioactive iodine. SBP and HR both decreased
following atenolol therapy in this group of cats to median values of 171.5 mmHg(P ¼ 0.0088) and 185/min (P ¼ 0.0003). However, when successful clinical controlof hypertension was defined as a post-treatment SBP <160 mmHg, atenololmonotherapy was ineffective in 70% of the cases. There was no statisticallysignificant difference in baseline serum total thyroxine or atenolol dosagebetween clinical responders and non-responders. While atenolol effectivelyreduces HR in most cats with hyperthyroidism, elevated SBP is poorlycontrolled, and the addition of another vasodilator such as amlodipine or anangiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor is needed to treat associatedhypertension.
Ó 2008 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S ystemichypertensionisacommonlyrec- However,theeffectsofateno-
lol as a sole antihypertensive agent in hyperthy-
chronic renal disease or hyperthyroidism.
Although a number of drugs have been investi-gated for control of hypertension in cats, the cal-cium channel blocking drug amlodipine has
been considered the antihypertensive of choice
Records of hyperthyroid cats presented to the
due to efficacy, once daily dosing, and low inci-
University of Wisconsin-Madison Veterinary
Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) Internal
Medicine Service for radioiodine (131I) treatment
the case of hypertension associated with hyper-
between September 2004 and September 2006
thyroidism, however, b-blocking drugs such as
were studied retrospectively. Owners were in-
atenolol have been advocated to slow HR and
structed to withdraw methimazole treatment
block additional effects of thyroid hormone ex-
for a minimum of 10 days prior to presentation.
Only cats that were non-azotemic were consid-
ered acceptable candidates for 131I treatment.
In a previous study, atenolol administration to
Screening tests performed prior to 131I treatment
cats with hypertension associated with renal dis-
included: complete blood count (CBC), serum to-
ease was ineffective in adequately lowering SBP
tal thyroxine (TT4), serum biochemical analysis,urinalysis, thoracic radiographs, and Doppler
SBP measurement. Doppler SBP (Parks Model
Ó 2008 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
811-B, Parks Medical Electronics, Aloha, OR) wasmeasured with the cat unsedated and lightly re-strained. Cuff width was 30e40% of the circum-ference of the forelimb, and six measurements
were taken, with the first being discarded and
was recorded between successive SBP measure-
!160 mmHg (and were at moderate or higher
risk of target organ damage) )were classified as hypertensive and prescribed
atenolol within the dosage range of 1e2 mg/kg
Cats were scheduled for 131I injection 5 days
after the initial screening tests. Owners were in-
structed to give the atenolol on the morning ofthe cat’s admission, and Doppler SBP measure-
dosing) prior to isolation of the cat and treatment
Descriptive statistics were performed on the
signalment data, atenolol dosage, baseline TT
and HR and SBP pre- and post-atenolol treatments
sponse of SBP to atenolol treatment. Group 1
included cats whose SBP decreased to <160
mmHg while receiving atenolol, group 2 included
cats in which SBP decreased >10 mmHg but did
not decrease to <160 mmHg and group 3 included
cats with 10 mmHg change or absolute increase
in SBP. SBP pre- and post-treatments and HR pre-
and post-treatments were compared with a Wil-
coxon test for all cats and within each subgroup.
Atenolol dosage in mg/kg body weight and base-
Spearman correlation analysis was performed on
changes in HR and SBP with atenolol dosage,
and change in HR with change in SBP. For all tests,
P < 0.05 was considered significant.
Twenty hyperthyroid, hypertensive cats treated
with atenolol had follow-up SBP measurement
prior to 131I treatment and restoration of euthyr-
oidism. Fifteen (75%) had SBP measurement re-
treatment after 5 days of atenolol (as described).
In five cats there was a 1-week (n ¼ 2) or 2-week
(n ¼ 3) period of atenolol administration prior to
repeat SBP measurement and 131I treatment.
Breeds included 16 domestic shorthairs, one
domestic longhair, one domestic medium-hair,
one Siamese, and one Himalayan. Fourteen cats
Efficacy of atenolol as a single antihypertensive agent
(70%) were spayed females, and six were neu-
cats successfully treated with atenolol was
tered males. Median age was 13 years (range,
À11.6% (range, À7.02 to À41.5%) with a median
atenolol dose of 1.6 mg/kg PO q 12 h (range,
1.07e1.93 mg/kg). Median HR significantly de-
Median SBP for all cats at initial presentation
creased in group 1 cats from 248 beats/min to
188.5 beats/min (; P ¼ 0.0312), a change
of À20.25% (range, À9.1 to À28.1%). Median
231 beats/min (mean, 232.2 beats/min; range,
baseline TT4 in cats responding to atenolol was
18.05 mg/dl (range, 5.7e30.1 mg/dl).
TT4 in the 20 cats prior to radioiodine therapy
Seven of 20 cats (35%) had >10 mmHg de-
was 15.05 mg/dl (range, 5.5e30.9 mg/dl; refer-
crease in SBP with atenolol, but SBP remained
!160 mmHg (ie, hypertensive), and were classi-
Atenolol was administered at a median dosage
fied as group 2. Median SBP in group 2 cats de-
of 1.39 mg/kg PO q 12 h (mean, 1.45 mg/kg;
a minimum of 5 days of atenolol treatment, me-
P ¼ 0.0156). The percentage change in median
dian SBP significantly decreased to 171.5 mmHg
SBP in the seven group 2 cats was À9% (range,
À6.8 to À17.8%). Median atenolol dose in these
seven cats was 1.2 mg/kg PO q 12 h (range,
in median SBP compared to baseline was À8.2%
1.01e1.81 mg/kg). Median baseline TT4 in group
(range, À41.5% to þ12.1%). Median HR after !5
2 cats was 16.6 mg/dl (range, 5.5e30.9 mg/dl).
days of atenolol was 185 beats/min (mean,
The decrease in median HR was 38 beats/min
), but this change did not achieve signif-
icance (P ¼ 0.1094). The percentage change in
þ16.8%). One cat had an increase in HR at re-
Six of 20 cats (30%) were classified as group 1
evaluation compared to baseline; SBP in this
(ie, those with SBP <160 mmHg post-treatment).
Median SBP in group 1 cats significantly de-
Seven cats (35%) had no change ( 10 mmHg) or
151 mmHg post-treatment (; P ¼ 0.0312).
an absolute increase in SBP (percentage change in
The percentage change in median SBP in six
median SBP, þ1.8%; range, À5.2 to þ12.1%) and
HR and SBP responses in 20 hyperthyroid, hypertensive cats treated with atenolol. Target SBP (ie, controlled hyper-
tension) post-atenolol treatment is <160 mmHg. Arrows represent median values. HRpre, HR at baseline evaluation;HRpost, HR after a minimum of 5 days of atenolol treatment; BPpre, systolic BP at baseline measurement; BPpost, systolicBP after a minimum of 5 days of atenolol treatment.
were classified as group 3. Pre-treatment median
The effects of atenolol on HR are more profound
SBP in group 3 cats was 180 mmHg, and post-
The cardiovascular changes in hyperthyroid-
P ¼ 0.2969). Median atenolol dose in group 3 cats
ism result from T3-induced activation of nuclear
was 1.5 mg/kg PO q 12 h (range, 1.07e1.95 mg/
kg). Median HR decreased significantly from
230 beats/min to 180 beats/min post-treatment
include a hyperdynamic circulation with in-
creased CO, HR, pulse pressure, and blood
À23.5% (range, À5.2 to À34.1%), and included
cats in which SBP increased. Median baseline
TT4 in group 3 cats was 12.5 mg/dl (range,
tions are increased with hyperthyroidism as
None of the five cats that received atenolol for
a result of changes in the expression of contractile
a longer period (ie, 1e2 weeks) prior to repeat
SBP measurement had SBP in the target range
(ie, <160 mmHg) after treatment. Overall, 70%
suited to meet the increased metabolic needs of
of hyperthyroid cats remained hypertensive
the body. The decline in SVR stimulates renin re-
when administered atenolol at a dosage of
1e2 mg/kg PO q 12 h for a minimum of 5 days.
sorption by the kidney, resulting in an expansion
There was no statistical difference in baseline
of plasma volume and increase in venous return
TT4 (P ¼ 0.5129) or median atenolol dosage
to the heart. Thyroid hormone also stimulates
(P ¼ 0.64) among the three treatmenteresponse
erythropoietin secretion, which contributes to in-
groups. There was no correlation between per-
cent change in HR and percent change in SBP
Because tachycardia is a common clinical find-
(P ¼ 0.4581), atenolol dosage and percent change
ing in hyperthyroid cats, the optimal treatment
in HR (P ¼ 0.0675) or atenolol dosage and per-
of hypertension in this disorder would include
centage change in SBP (P ¼ 0.7168).
a drug that is also a negative chronotrope. Thecats of this study were given atenolol at standardinitial doses (ie, 6.25 mg/cat PO q 12 h), whichresulted in a dosage of 1e2 mg/kg. Small cats
(ie, <3.2 kg) received reformulated preparations
Systemic hypertension is well documented in hy-
within the dosage range of 1e2 mg/kg q 12 h.
perthyroid cats, with reported prevalence rates
Pharmacokinetic studies of atenolol in young
showed a 90% oral bioavailability, and a signifi-
cant decrease (20 Æ 16%) in resting HR at 12 h
with restoration of normal thyroid hormone
Plasma concentrations of atenolol peaked 1 h af-
should be treated to minimize damage to end-
ter oral administration when cats were fasted.
organ tissues (ie, renal, cardiac, ocular, and
Half-life after oral atenolol administration in
Arterial blood pressure is the product of cardiac
therefore, steady state would be expected in the
output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance
cats of this study prior to SBP measurement after
(SVR), so conditions that affect either CO or SVR
5 days of treatment. In the current study, median
will alter blood pressure. CO is the product of
HR decreased at least 20% in two subgroups
HR, which is under autonomic control, and stroke
(groups 1 and 3). Group 2 cats had a median de-
volume (SV), which is determined by multiple
crease in HR of 10.3%. A possible explanation for
factors including the inotropic state of the myo-
one cat that had an increase in HR compared to
cardium and the circulating intravascular vol-
baseline may have been inadequate medication
ume. b-Blockers, such as atenolol, would be
administration prior to SBP and HR measure-
expected to exert an antihypertensive effect pri-
ment, although SBP was decreased compared
marily by decreasing HR and the inotropic state
to pre-treatment values. Decrease in HR in the
of the myocardium, and therefore CO. b-Blockers
remaining 19 cats, however, suggests that lack
also prevent the adrenergic nerve-mediated re-
of compliance cannot explain the variable SBP
lease of renin from the renal juxtaglomerular cells.
Efficacy of atenolol as a single antihypertensive agent
A higher dose of atenolol (eg, 3 mg/kg) might
dosage did not predict response to therapy.
be more effective in restoring normal SBP in hy-
b-Adrenergic blockers, such as atenolol, are
perthyroid cats, but studies in rats have not sup-
still recommended for the tachycardia that
severe hyperthyroidism, atenolol treatment at-
reliable antihypertensive agents in these patients.
tenuated the increases in HR, rectal temperature,
The addition of another vasodilator, such as
amlodipine or an ACEI, may be necessary to
cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension, or increased
control hypertension associated with feline
tration of b-adrenergic receptor antagonists tohuman patients with hyperthyroidism slowsHR but does not alter systolic or diastolic con-
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