Village of beaver crossing

The Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska met in open
session at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall DECEMBER 11TH. 2013. The public had received
advance notice of the meeting by posting the notice in the following places: Village Hall,
Marquee sign and the U.S. Post Office. Upon roll call the following board members were
present: Chairman Dick Pariset, Vice- Chair Steve Vavra, Laura Schluckebier, John Davis and
Jim Nichols. Members of the staff present were Clerk/Treasurer Shannon Chesnut and
Maintenance Doug Welch. Also present were Chris Butzke, Robin Butzke, Dave Taladay,
Deputy Alloway, Lance Breitzkeutz, Gary Grantski, Bonnie Grantski.
Chairman Pariset brought the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced the location of the
Open Meetings Act Poster.
Davis made a motion to approve the Nov. 6th. 2013 regular meeting minutes. Motion seconded
by Nichols. Roll call vote, all others aye. Motion carried.
Davis made a motion to approve the Nov. 26th. 2013 special meeting minutes. Motion seconded
by Vavra. Roll call vote, all others aye. Motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed and discussed. Board member Pariset made a motion to approve
the November treasurer report. Motion seconded by Vavra. Roll call vote, Motion carried
Claims were reviewed and discussed. Nichols made a motion to approve the November claims.
Motion seconded by Davis. Roll call vote, Motion carried.
$5,960 Gross Wage for 11/1/2013-11/30/2013
$49.60 Universal thermostat, AA Batteries, $1,467.06 Repaired Hydrolic Oil Leak & Replaced Mirror $118.67 Annual Quickbooks Software Update $117.31 3 poster frames, hanging file, portfolio folders. $150.54 City shop / Community Center trash pick up (2 $1,254.75 150.4gl diesel, 100gl propane shop, 172gl well Village of Beaver Crossing, regular meeting minutes, Dec 11th., 2013, Page 1 TOTAL GENERAL
$29.65 330ft roll tie wire, 50ct. T-posts clips. $85.60 Mileage to and from water certification class $85.60 Mileage to and from water certification class $223.00 EPA 531.1 Carbamates, Coliform test $73.99 Repair thermostat at lift station TOTAL WATER/SEWER
$131.48 cold packs, pads, neck colar, gloves $162.50 Aviva, 10 Shredder, Pepsi 24 pack TOTAL FIRE
Village of Beaver Crossing, regular meeting minutes, Dec 11th., 2013, Page 2 Water report was discussed. Pariset made a motion to approve the November water report.
Motion seconded by Nichols. Roll call vote, Motion carried.
Permit #: 13-15 Kooyman - fence
Davis made a motion to deny permit #13-15 and the fence that is up needs to be taken out.
Motion seconded by Pariset. Roll call vote, all aye. Motion carried.
Permit #: 13-16 Hale - Deck
Davis made a motion to approve permit #13-16. Motion seconded by Nichols. Roll call vote, all
aye. Motion carried.
Sheriff report was discussed.


Greg Scanlan application review for membership.
Davis made a motion to approve the membership application. Motion seconded by Pariset. Roll
call vote, all aye. Motion carried.

Vavra would like Doug to check the manholes by Crawford’s and Heater’s due to some sewage
smells in the basement which is usually an indicator that something is wrong. Doug also brought
up the fact that the heater on the maintainer doesn’t seem to get hot enough and he would like to
install a DC heater. The hoses do not get hot and the gauge barely moves. Nichols said that the
two sides are open which could be sucking the cold air in. Doug will look at the radiator more
closely and report back.



SENDD Dave Taladay went over the previous year’s performance. He also expressed his
concern that the Village did not renew its membership and hope that they decide to renew. They
are currently working with the fire department on their possible expansion project. Dues paying
members receive services for free and of course non pay members would incur charges. He
hopes that we would reconsider. Chairman Pariset stated that they would consider his
Village of Beaver Crossing, regular meeting minutes, Dec 11th., 2013, Page 3
Ordinance 13-05 &13-06 traffic control at Maple & Oak Chairman Pariset read resolution 13-06
to the board and audience. Members of the public commented on the concerns of only placing a
yield sign at the intersection. After a brief discussion it was determined that a new resolution
would be introduced which would direct the southbound traffic on Oak St. to stop and add 2
additional stop signs directing the east bound traffic on Maple to stop and the North bound traffic
on Oak st. to stop as well.
Chairman Pariset introduced the amended traffic control resolution 13-08. Motion seconded by
Davis. Roll call vote, all aye. Motion carried.
Insurance property coverage resolution 13-07
Chairman Pariset introduced resolution 13-07 approving the insurance property coverage with
amendments. Motion seconded by Vavra. Roll call vote, all aye. Motion carried.
Community hall should be insured at $175,000
Fire barn should be at $388,600
Grandstand Lee Fisher would like to add a door on the west side to allow access to the storage
underneath. They would in turn move the Christmas decorations from the co-op to the
Vavra made a motion to obtain bids for the addition of a door on the west side of the grandstand.
Motion seconded by Pariset. Roll call vote, all aye. Motion carried.
Employee appreciation supper The employees would like to receive gift certificates from Doug’s
Dugout this year.
Vavra made a motion to give $30 gift certificates to the list of employees/volunteers to show the
Village’s appreciation for their service. Motion seconded by Nichols. Roll call vote, all aye.
Motion carried.
Ihde Fund grant monies received Chairman Pariset read the approval grant award letter from the
Ihde Fund. Clerk Chesnut applied for funds and they granted the Village of Beaver Crossing in
conjunction with the Chamber additional Chairs / Lounges / Table for pool $1875, Sound system
for Chamber (used for Beaver Daze, Children’s Parade, Christmas in the Park etc.) $1250 and
Beaver Daze $1,500 (tent rental, commercial dunk tank, balloon artist, clown etc.).
Village of Beaver Crossing, regular meeting minutes, Dec 11th., 2013, Page 4

Jim Nichols – There wasn’t enough towns at the recycling meeting to be able to vote and Keep
Nebraska Beautiful did not show. Keep Nebraska Beautiful will be at the next meeting March
12th. There are some grants out there. In March Jim will bring the receipts so we can receive
Johnny Davis - Nothing
Steve Vavra – Steve asked Doug if we can start removing snow earlier. If we hit the snow earlier
there would be less traffic.
Laura Schluckebier – What can we do about the Edwards home that has the trash in front of it?
Nichols/Pariset advised that the residents are moving out of that house so hopefully they will
clean it up when they move. Edwards will be moving back to their previous residence.
Dick Pariset – Nothing.

ADJOURNMENT. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm

Village of Beaver Crossing, regular meeting minutes, Dec 11th., 2013, Page 5


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