a annavarshavskygraphicdesign
917 751 7821 | [email protected] | experience:
09 ANNA VARSHAVSKY GRAPHIC DESIGN Interactive and Print Creative Director
04 CLINE DAVIS AND MANN Vice President, Art Group Supervisor
12 Art + copy, mobile, iPad, web, new business pitches, strategy, tactics, UX/IA
07 Lead for 3 Novartis brands: Elidel, Xolair, Tobi, supervising 4 full time employees
Deliverables: ads, marketing materials for professional + consumer, conventions,
DTC integration
MAC Cosmetics POP
American Express Product development: name generation + design
96 ANNA VARSHAVSKY GRAPHIC DESIGN Independent Design Contractor
Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week Promotional Materials
04 Hiring + leading teams as an independent contractor/consultant
Lower East Side Business Council Website
NFL Super Bowl + Pro Bowl materials, youth program brand exporations
Hotel Networks Video + Interactive Displays
Univision eblasts, banner ads, promotional materials
Mark Green for NYC Advocate Website
HBO, The Discovery Channel, BET, Columbia House, Burly Bear promotional materials
Preston Bailey Website
PHARMA (consumer, professional, managed markets)
Hearst Licensing guidelines + materials for 17 Magazine + Country Living
Time Warner
Time for Kids Magazine template redesign, books + games Scholastic
• Merck Diabetes Wellness Employer Program
Sesame Workshop
• Spiriva
iPad App “Zappos” for resources: design + IA/UX + manual, Emagazine, website + analytics, strategic + tactical planning, interactive customer/rep Disney Books + games, ads
National Geographic advertorials
• Amyvid Managed Markets Website drug launch
Mustang Jeans Packaging, POP, ads, promomtional materials
• Nuvigil IA/UX mobile HCP and consumer
Waverly Home / Revman Textiles POP, packaging, ads, direct mail
• Qsymia Brand Exploration
• Potega Website and iPad detail for launch
Facilitated design development of Literacy Place program: games, workbooks, • Zemplar iPad Apps, animation, rep videos, medical education interactive videos,
for teachers + children) K-6, hired + supervised staff of 30 • Stenthroid Consumer + professional ad campaigns
GRAY Cialis PC interactive detail
School of Visual Arts, Parsons School of Design
LLNS Toviaz PC interactive detail + ad campaign
Design, IA/UX, motion graphics, typography, design theory, and GSK Nicotine Replacement Therapy Global Franchise Strategy
Panadol Conventions + Strategy
alli Strategy and tactical planning
07 EURO RSCG LIFE LM&P Vice President, Art Group Supervisor
09 Lead for Pfizer’s Lyrica + Chantix/Champix, supervising 3 full time +
GLObAL DESIGN ExCELLENCE AwARD Pfizer, Smoking Awareness video +
Physician/Patient Dialogue Tool, both for Chantix Business winning pitches: Pfizer oncology, Schering-Plough, Gamunex, Levitra, CIRCLE 38 Novartis, Tobi calendar
Lantis, Takeda
Deliverables: ads, interactive, video, brand identity, posters, banners,
portfolio | references


When I encountered the Corpora in Si(gh)te project for the first time (in fact, the photos of the structure, named Corpora so arbitrarily and wittily by biologist Beáta Oborny, author of one of these texts), the image came into my mind of a house I had seen in a small Italian village on the banks of Lake Como. I spent a good part of my summers here, year in year out, obsessively taking refuge a

Concerning medications:

Dear Patient: Thank you for choosing Asthma & Allergy Care of Delaware. Enclosed is a questionnaire for you to complete and return before seeing your doctor. Your appointment is confirmed as follows: __________________________________________________________________________________ Please complete the four pages of medical history and one page of insurance information before

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